If we changed to a four-day work week, which extra day would you want off?

With another long holiday weekend upon us, it begs the question: Can we do this again sometime soon?

The four-day work week has been a dream of the American worker for decades now, but one that has always seemed out of reach until the pandemic changed the way we all look at work hours.

A recent Reddit poll asked people if they were to switch to a four-day work week, which extra day would they like to have off? Not surprisingly, most people wanted a three-day weekend.

47% of people said they’d like to have Friday off, and 27% want Monday off. Clearly the three-day weekend is in as much demand as the four-day work week. 

This is where I think my working brothers and sisters have it wrong though - 21% would pick Wednesdays to give themselves a break in the middle, which is actually kind of smart. Why bother with a four-day work week when you can have a two-day work week! Now you get a mini-weekend during your work week.

The momentum behind the four-day work week continues to grow. Don’t just take my word for it, check out this 11-minute TED talk from economist Juliet Schor. She’s leading four-day work week trials in countries like the US and Ireland, and the results so far have been overwhelmingly positive.

(Reddit Polls)